which is only slightly more charming than it sounds...
A young boy has gone missing, and the villagers are in an uproar. Accusations fly around the swampy town, especially toward the boy’s stepmother who implores the adventurers to clear her name.
To do so, the party must investigate the boy's home, where they find clues that lead to the Swamplands Witch, Callista Skinner. She may have witnessed the abduction...
Finally, the trail leads to an ancient temple dedicated to Gaia, the Titan of Earth. And, after all, how difficult can a search and rescue around an underground geyser be? Find out in this exciting one-on-one adventure for 5e!
The one-shot adventure includes two new creatures and three new magic items as well as a map of Gaia's Victory, the site of the geyser and the necromancer's lair.
Fans of randomizing tables will enjoy the skeletal abominations, which differ depending on their various creature components, and the engaging marshland encounters table.
Page count: 13
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